Frequent Disconnects / Slow Connection Speeds
If you're getting disconnected frequently and/or slow connection speeds, the first thing to check is the phone line. Phone lines were not meant to handle 56k modem speeds and it takes perfect line quality with no noise whatsoever to get even close to that speed. In some cases you may have so much line noise that it won't allow you to connect very fast, may disconnect you, or may not allow you to connect at all.
For best possible results, you'll want to make sure that the phone line that's plugged into your computer's modem is running directly into the wall outlet - with NO SPLITTERS! Splitters are bad. They produce more line noise - the same goes for line extensions.
(*Just as a note, if the phone outlets are old or if the phone lines in your area are old - as is the case in many rural areas - you may get a poor connection. Sometimes there may not be much you can do about this, but your telephone company can check out the lines to see if there's any line noise or can possibly replace old phone outlets. Call your local telephone company as a last resort though, because they may charge you for this. *)
Assuming that you don't have any line splitters or anything, here's what you can do to improve your connection.
If you're using PPP/Remote Access you can change the Modem Script. The Modem Script tells the modem what initialization string to use, what kind of handshake, etc. It basically tells your modem how to talk to's modems.
Go to the Apple menu, point to Control Panels and click on Modem.
This is the Modem control panel. The 'Modem' is actually the modem script it's telling your modem to use. This varies depending on what type of Macintosh you have.
Click on the Script to change it.
You'll get a drop-down menu like the one on the left. This picture was taken from a machine with OS 9 but as long as you have PPP/Remote Access it will be similar to this.
You could try any modem script to see if it works, but for newer machines like iMacs, iBooks, G4's and Powerbook G3's you could use the "Apple Internal 56k (v.34 only)" to get a more stable connection.
Likewise, to get a faster- but possibly less stable connection - you could use the "Apple Internal 56k V.90" script.
You can download additional modem scripts from here. To install them place them in your System Folder -> Extensions -> Modem Scripts folder.
Also, you can create scripts with the Modem Script Generator included on the OS 8.5, 8.6 and 9 CD's. Don't try this unless you really know what you're doing though, as cannot help you create modem scripts.